V-J Day's, Famous Kiss, New York City - Free Coloring Page
The famous kiss of V-Day in New York
The iconic photograph of a sailor kissing a woman in New York City on V-J Day (Victory over Japan Day) in Times Square captures a moment of spontaneous joy that marked the end of World War II. It's a poignant representation of relief and exuberance felt worldwide when the long and devastating war came to a close. The image, snapped by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt, has since become emblematic of the power of peace and the universal language of love.
important note: in this illsutration Nancy decided to let the nurse's hair down.
Did you know?
On the day World War II ended, a sense of euphoria filled the streets of New York City, but there's an unsung backdrop to the celebrations. As the news spread, there were spontaneous acts of kindness across the city. Among them, a bakery owner distributed free loaves of bread to anyone passing by, saying he had waited years to celebrate freedom in his own special way. It wasn't just a day of grand gestures, like the iconic kiss, but also one of countless small acts that reflected a community's outpouring of relief and joy at the prospect of peace.
if you want to know more about this important event marked in a day in New York and the V-J Day Kiss, please read on. I might even suggest to look into the Times Square for a visit of this famous location in New York. The book on New York will also provide information and a coloring page on Times Square.
The end of WWII gave everyone a relief and sense of hope after 5 years at war. This iconic photograph taken on that day demonstrate the happiness and the energy of that day. This spontaneous celebration with a kiss of a stranger with a stranger, expresses the feeling of that day.
The famous photo that everyone has seen by now is called “V-J Day in Times Square”, and it was made by Alfred Eisenstaedt in 1945. It shows a US Navy sailor that is holding and kissing a nurse. In this drawing, I let her hair down, but in the real picture, she has her nurse cap on. You might think that she was his wife or girlfriend, but she was actually a total stranger.
The people were anticipating the end of World War II and were out on the streets celebrating, and the sailor got so ecstatic that he picked a random woman and kissed her. The photo was then published in Life magazine and became very popular. It is commonly referred to as “The Kiss” and it has been featured on many signs, posters, cards and so on.
The photographer was in a hurry to take lots of photos of the ceremony, so he didn’t get the chance to get the names or details of the people in the photo. Many have claimed to be the ones in “The Kiss”, but the real ones were proven to be George Mendonsa and Greta Zimmer Friedman. The man said that when he saw the woman, he thought of the nurses on hospital ships that were taking care of wounded sailors.
He somehow wanted to show his appreciation for their work, plus he also had a few drinks earlier and this gave him more courage. Greta also admitted that she didn’t know the sailor that kissed her and that the kiss was not a romantic one, but simply a way of celebrating.
An investigative team estimated that the photo was taken on August 14, 1945, at 05:51 PM ET and that the photographer used a Leica Illa camera. Enjoy coloring this illustration and just imagine those years where war was on everyone's mind and how this announcement must have made them feel free again.
Don’t forget to check out our New York coloring book and read more about this beautiful city. Or if you are not sure, you can get a sampler for free! :)
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Célèbre baiser du marin et de l' infirmière à New York - Image gratuite à colorier
La célèbre photo que tout le monde a vue jusqu'à maintenant, s'intitule «V-J Day in Times Square», et elle a été réalisée par Alfred Eisenstaedt en 1945. Elle montre un marin de l'US Navy qui tient et embrasse une infirmière. Dans la vraie photo, l'infirmière portait une casquette d'infirmière. Sur le dessin j'ai décidé de laisser ses cheveux sans attaches et sans casquette. Vous pourriez penser qu'elle était sa femme ou sa petite amie, mais elle était en fait une totale inconnue.
Les gens anticipaient la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et étaient dans les rues pour célébrer, et le marin était tellement fou de joie qu'il a choisi une femme au hasard et l'a embrassé. La photo a ensuite été publiée dans le magazine Life et est devenue très populaire. Elle fut communément appelé «Le Baiser» et a été présentée sur de nombreux panneaux, affiches, cartes, etc.
Le photographe était pressé de prendre beaucoup de photos de la cérémonie, il n'a donc pas eu la chance d'obtenir les noms et les détails des personnes sur la photo. Beaucoup ont prétendu être ceux de «The Kiss», mais les vrais se sont avérés être George Mendonsa et Greta Zimmer Friedman. L'homme a dit que lorsqu'il a vu la femme, il a pensé aux infirmières des hopitaux-navires qui s'occupaient des marins blessés.
Il voulait en quelque sorte montrer son appréciation pour leur travail, et il avait également bu quelques verres plus tôt et cela lui a donné plus de courage. Greta a également admis qu'elle ne connaissait pas le marin qui l'avait embrassée et que le baiser n'était pas romantique, mais simplement une façon de célébrer.
La photo avait été prise le 14 août 1945, à 17 h 51 HE selon une investigation et le photographe avait utilisé un appareil photo Leica Illa. Colorier cette page et imaginez ces années où la guerre était dans l'esprit de tout le monde et comment cette annonce a dû leur procurer un sentiment de liberté.
N'oubliez pas de consulter notre livre à colorier sur New York et d'en savoir plus sur cette belle ville ainsi que les images étonnantes de ses endroits célèbres.
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